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How to Keep Your Website Up-to-Date

As a business owner, you should know by now that your website is a good marketing strategy. It is a tool that gives your business an online presence, brings traffic, and converts them to paying customers. If your website has this much power, then you should hold it in high regard. This article is a guide on how to steadily keep your website updated to retain your customers and attract new ones. The issue with most sites isn’t attracting customers but retaining them. If visitors visit your page, how long do they stay? Is there anything that gets their attention, captivates them, and makes them want to stay?
person keeping website up-to-date

There are Several Ways to Keep Your Website Up-To-Date. Here are Some of Them:

1. Giving Your Website A Unique Design

Humans are attracted to catchy things. A unique and attractive website design will surely attract your site visitors.  Having a unique design is a way of keeping your site updated.  You should know that a design you saw as attractive when you first got your website might not be the same now. New technologies and trends have come up. Therefore, your design should fit into them. Your website design includes your site layout, color play, font, structure, and so on. Your design should not be complicated but simple and beautiful.

If you don’t keep your site up-to-date with the latest designs, you may lose your customers. According to statistics, site visitors use about 15 seconds to scan your site before determining if they stay or leave. And about 50% of internet users do this for most sites. If your site is not appealing, visitors will leave.

2. Mobile-Friendly Pages

There’s a way to find out what device people are using to browse the internet. In this era of mobile devices and smartphones, many people are using them to surf the net. They check for updates, news, blogs, and even shop online. As a website owner, is your site up-to-date with this latest trend? Does your site have mobile-friendly pages?

Your website needs to be compatible with mobile devices so that anyone can conveniently access it. Smartphones and tablets are what internet users are using for their online activities. These devices are easy to carry about and they are convenient too. Therefore, your site needs to be optimized to support this trend. This will let people easily navigate around your site as well as do business with you.

3. Updating Content

Your site cannot be up-to-date with outdated content. Your website may have the latest technology and software in terms of design. However, if you don’t constantly update your website, it’s as good as nothing. A good way to keep your site’s content always updated is by starting a blog. You may choose to update it once or twice a week. It could also be twice in two weeks,  whatever works for you.

Having engaging content is what will retain your site visitors. They are aware of the content you dish out and what you offer. Therefore, they will keep coming back to check for updates. If you are steadily impressing them, then you will win their trust.

4. Using Social Media

If you check updated websites, you could see links to their social media pages. Some of them have the social media icons there and once you click on them, you will be redirected to their exact social media page. It could be Instagram,  Facebook, Twitter, and even YouTube.

You should keep your site up-to-date by embedding these icons into your site. It will benefit your business a lot as social media platforms are a good way for promoting business. You can personalize your client’s experience, know your audience,  get potential customers, and strengthen your business. Also, you would give your business a wider reach as your site visitors may follow you on your social media pages. They could also like, comment, retweet, and share your content.

So, if you think your website needs revamp or updated look, you can follow the guide above and do the needful. As you know, every business is competitive, and you need to be one step ahead of your competitors.

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