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Above-The-Fold Content and It’s Importance

Content is King
Grabbing someones attention can be hard.

How do you grab attention and keep visitors on your website design without pointing a gun to their heads? How do you make sure that they see the most fascinating and vital information to you and them in just eight seconds to keep them glued to your page? A lot goes into that, right? Yes, you’re right about that.

From how quickly your page loads to how captivating the pictures on the page are, and then to the sweetness of your offers, all these things come together to form the backbone of a reliable and attention-grabbing page.

Nobody wants to spend their time waiting and waiting for your website design. You do know thousands of other websites offer the same thing that you offer. As a website owner, do you feel comfortable with your website’s speed? Does it load up fast enough for you? If it doesn’t, you should consider changing the above-the-fold content so that it fits perfectly into what you’d expect from a website that offers the same products or services that you offer.

In this article, we will talk about the above-the-fold content, why it is crucial to your website and business growth, and some simple tricks you can do to make it even more edifying to your visitors.

Here is how Circle City Digital can help!


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Your above-the-fold content conveys relevant information about your business at first glance. Your visitors get to see what you have to offer and just how you offer it. So you must keep it as straightforward as possible.


Good above-the-fold content is going to make your visitors stay glued to your page and even seek to know more about your business by clicking other strategically placed links on the page.


Some copywriters use the above-the-fold content to strike desire in the vIsitors by giving them an irresistible offer that makes them want to see more about what you sell. If it is appealing enough, you can bet that you will be making sales in no time.

W hat is above the fold content?
Rec ycling content = bad for
the website OPTIMIZATION.

If you’re expecting an enormous explanation to this, I’d say you should lower your standards. It’s not some highly technical website plug-in or anything of that nature. An above-the-fold content is the first thing that your visitors see the moment they’re on your page.

It is as simple as that. Now, many websites have different unimportant and irrelevant information on their landing page that doesn’t help the user or even attract them in any way. Anything you’re putting at the top of your page should be relevant to what your business or website is all about and how you can help the visitor.

For example, why have a big GIF of a neon light saying “welcome” at the top of your page occupying more than half the screen of your visitor’s device? Now, I’m not saying welcoming your visitors is a bad thing to do; however, it is unnecessary if you want to maintain your visitors.

Smart website design copywriters would advise you to have an offer blinking right in front of them once the page opens. Another thing that this reckless “welcome” signboard does to your website is that it slows the loading process down and that already sends your visitors packing out of your page.

An above-the-fold content is an image, the offer, the writings that pop up on your visitor’s screen the moment your page loads up, and your page must be able to grab attention and maintain it; if not, you’re not going to make any success. Now, assuming that you already understand what the above-the-fold content is, let’s move on to what makes it essential to your website.

website design content

Grab attention with Above The Fold Website Content!

There are one thousand and one reasons why above-the-fold content is vital to your website’s success, and here we’re going to look at a few. We’ll also briefly look at how you can make your above-the-fold content more appealing.

To make sure that your above-the-fold content is appealing, you must first ensure that the page loads up quickly enough for your visitors to even see it at all in the first place. What’s the use of a smart above-the-fold content that visitors don’t get to see? Always use best practices, and you’ll get your page as many clicks as you want.

Get in touch with us and let’s start by checking out your website design. It may or may not need revamping. However, we hope you take our advice, put it to action, and attract customers to your page instead of driving them away.

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